Tuesday, November 23, 2010





Part 2 of The Test That Ruined My Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday

48. Henry the Navigator
49. Christopher Columbus
50. Columbian Exchange
51. animals
52. mercantilism
53. shared company
54. Protestant (Dutch Republic)
55. false
56. Amsterdam
57. --? (Dutch company)
58. no
59. Brunelleschi (Dutch artist)
60. peasantry
61. House of Commons
62. Protestant
63. Stuart
64. Episcopal
65. 1625-1649 - except that's Charles
66. Divine Right of Kings
67. Protestant
68. Treaty of (2 revisions AHH)
69. William Laud
70. Scotland
71. Cavaliers
72. Roundheads
73. Oliver Cromwell
74. --?
75. Lord Protector
76. Anglicans
77. James I
78. ---?
79. Hobbs

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Test That Ruined My Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday

1. Martin Luther
2. 95 Theses
3. Amsterdam
4. Cathedral
5. (free) Easter Sunday in 15 - -
6. salvation is achieved by faith alone
7. The Bible
8. Pope and clergy
9. initially supported the Pope
10. False
11. German peasantry
12. Catholicism
13. Protestantism
14. Peace of Augsburg
15. Luther created new ideas for the Church and brought about his own religion. He went against what the Pope was doing, which was selling indulgences.
16. Luther was not outrageous and did simply walked up to the door of the Church and posted his 95 Theses.
17. John Calvin
19. (free)
20. Huguenots
21. King Henry VIII
22. Elizabeth I
23. Anabaptists
24. Pope Leo X
25. Council of Trent
26. False
27. Vulgate
28. Jesus
29. follow the ways of Jesus
30. 16th century
31. Giotto
32. Phillip
33. the Armada
34. St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre
35. Edict of Nantes
36. 300
37. Peace Augsburg
38. Protestant Union
39. Catholic League
40. Catholic
41. Catholics
42. Gustavus
43. King ---
44. Treaty of Westphalia
45. ------
46. Germany
47, France